3rd Annual Toy Drive Tournament
It’s getting that time of year again and we are starting to gather up sponsors for our 3rd Annual Toy Drive Tournament on December 14th.
Sponsorship levels are as follows:
Title Sponsor: $1000 Includes team entry fee, a hole flag, a hole sign, and your logo on the Golf Balls given to each player.
Driving Range or Putting Green Sponsor: $500 Includes entry fees for one team and a sign on the driving range or putting green
Hole Flag Sponsor: $300 Includes your information on a hole flag which will be used during the event.
Putting Contest Prize Sponsor: $250 Includes a hole sign. We will give away a Scotty Cameron Putter in your name ($450 Value)
Long Drive & Closest to the Pin Sponsor: $150 for each contest. (4 Available – $600 for all) Includes a hole sign your information on a contest sign and recognition when the award is given.
Hole Sign Sponsor: $100 for each hole. Includes your information on a hole sign
If you would like to donate please contact Cotton Davis at 469-396-8064. Thank you for your support.